ATV Safety
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- January 25, 2022
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
All-terrain vehicles are very popular for off-road recreation. However, the number of injuries and deaths from ATV accidents is growing rapidly. This publication lists the causes of injuries and fatalities, discusses Texas ATV laws, and provides specific safety tips for using these vehicles. (3 pages)
More choices in Business & Community
- Course
Learn how to write a business plan for a farm or food business with real-world business plan examples included. This course will introduce you to business planning basics for farm and food enterprises in order to help you develop your business plan.
- Course
County Tax Assessor-Collectors, Deputies and their staff must continuously work to promote an ethical environment in the county tax office to avoid negative perceptions. This course defines ethics, reviews basic terms, ethical conduct and consequences of unethical behavior.
- Course
The New County Tax Assessor-Collector & Chief Deputy Orientation Course is approved by the Tax Assessor-Collectors Association of Texas for 2 hours of continuing education, and if successfully completed within 90 days of taking office, this course satisfies the requirement to complete constitutional and statutory training.
- Course
Do you want to learn more about land management? Are you a new landowner? This course is perfect for new landowners looking for wildlife, livestock, forages, and land stewardship education. It will help you learn basic land management concepts as you begin to make decisions about their land.
- Publication
This 14-page guide will help winemakers navigate problems that can arise during winemaking and find the best fining approach.
- Course
This course is for anyone working with the general public and has been approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) for one continuing education credit. Participants will review the basics of ethics and receive guidance to base decisions upon when faced with ethical issues.