Entomology CDE Study Guide
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- August 31, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
This study guide includes descriptions of various IPM programs, basic information on beneficial insects and insect pests, discussions of pesticide use and regulations relative to safe administration of pesticides, and practical examples of the use of IPM in insect pest control programs.
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Las areas inundadas despues de una tormenta severa son propensas a problemas de mosquitos. Varias especies de mosquitos son un peligro para los humanos debido a las enfermedades que transmiten. Esta publicacion explica los sintomas de la fiebre del dengue, el virus del Nilo Occidental y la encefalitis de San Luis y enumera las cosas […]
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This publication explains how to protect yourself when you must return to flooded structures or deal with storm debris.
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Las hormigas de fuego pueden ser un problema grave durante y despues de una inundacion. Esta publicacion explica como protegerse cuando debe regresar a estructuras inundadas o lidiar con escombros de tormentas. (1 Pagina)
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People who are staying in temporary shelters and evacuation centers may be at risk for diseases that spread in crowded conditions. Maintaining personal hygiene is one way to protect yourself. Keeping the facility clean is also very important. (2 Pages)