Native Seeding Certification

Date of Publication
June 7, 2022
See Agrilife Learn


Do you want to restore native plants? Are you curious about when to plant and how to maintain it? This online course will discuss how land managers can select, plant, and maintain native plants and when to plant them.

Course Information

This online course teaches you how to plan and maintain native plants. After completing this course, you can select which plants are native to your area, which equipment is best, and which soils to use.

This course helps land managers select native plants for their area, recognize different soil factors, select healthy seeds, and ensure the proper preparation and maintenance of their seedbed. It would be helpful for ranchers, farmers, and land managers to reestablish native plants.

Who is this for?

  • Land Managers
  • Ranchers
  • Farmers

What will you learn?

  • How to select plants native to Texas
  • How to explain biological characteristics of relevant grasses
  • How to describe soil factors
  • How to predict vegetation based on ecoregions
  • Seed selection
  • How to prepare your seedbed
  • How to determine proper planting times
  • How to acquire the necessary equipment
  • How to manage grasses once planted

Course Outline

Module 1: Why are Natives important?

Learn what a native plant is, the benefits of native plants, and the difference between non-native, introduced, harmful, and invasive plants.

Module 2: Plant Characteristics

Discover basic plant structure, the different plant types, and functional groups.

Module 3: Understanding Soils

Understanding how soils form and how to identify the different types are crucial for your seedbed to thrive.

Module 4: The Diversity of Texas

Understand the Texas rainfall patterns, dominant soil orders, and vegetation areas of Texas.

Module 5: Seed Selection

Learn how to test your soil, choose the seeds for your mix, and understand seed origin.

Module 6: Seedbed Prep

Learn why seedbed prep is important, the techniques for clearing land, and how to create the ideal seedbed.

Module 7: Ideal Planting Times

Explore why proper timing of the panting matters, recommended planting times by region, and using cover crops during seeding delays.

Module 8: Planting Methods and Equipment

Identify the best method for your situation and list the pros and cons of four different planting methods.

Module 9: Post Planting Management

Learn what to expect post-panting, how to manage and maintain your field, and how to treat invasive and noxious plants.

Looking for solutions in your county? Contact your local extension experts

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