Environmental Policy

We help Texans understand public policy related to the natural environment. Our experts and educational resources demonstrate how environmental policy connects to farming, ranching, agribusiness, land ownership and land management.

Irrigation pivot with sunset in the background

Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute

The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute works to improve the conservation and management of natural resources and private land stewardship through research, education and policy.

Pond surrounded by trees

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Environmental Policy


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

Pesticide applicator certification standards are set to ensure that restricted pesticides are available to those who protect food, forage, structures, health, water, rights-of-way, and landscapes.


The Pecan Orchard Management Short Course is the world renowned premiere educational event on how to grow pecans.


Agricultural Safety and Health Program addresses farm machinery safety, safe handling of agrochemicals, and topics related to safety in farm, ranch, and rural settings.  

Texas Watershed Steward

The Texas Watershed Steward (TWS) program provides science-based, watershed education to help citizens identify and take action to address local water quality impairments. Texas Watershed Stewards learn about the nature and function of watersheds, potential impairments, and strategies for watershed protection.

All Resources on Environmental Policy

  • Research Institute or Center

    The Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and Development develops, coordinates, and leads international agricultural development programs.

    Dr. Norman Borlaug
  • Research Institute or Center

    The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute works to improve the conservation and management of natural resources and private land stewardship through research, education and policy.

    Pond surrounded by trees
  • Research Institute or Center

    Texas Water Resources Institute provides science-based, community-supported solutions for the state’s pressing water quantity and quality challenges through internal expertise and external collaborations.

    Students in a boat at the Aquacultural Research

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