
Formal and informal caregiving is and will continue to be important to help all Texans remain active, vibrant parts of their community. We have a variety of materials and resources for child, adult and military family caregivers, including educational resources and in-person programming.

Related Departments: Nutrition

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AgriLife Extension Military Program

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service – Military Program focuses on providing educational programs and resources to assist veterans, service members and their families as they face the many uncertainties of life.
Soldier with family members

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We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

Balancing Food & Play (grades 3rd-5th) was developed to address children’s health issues by developing lifelong healthy behaviors through nutrition, physical activity, and family engagement.


Promoting Early Education Quality (PEEQ) is dedicated to encouraging the adoption of research- and evidence-based practices at all levels of the early education field.



Each workplace interaction is an opportunity to build respectful professional relationships with parents and co-workers. Explore the causes of communication conflicts ,how to resolve them, and effective communication strategies to use with parents and co-workers.


When educators partner with children’s families, children are empowered to learn and grow. Discuss the growing complexity of families. Gain specific strategies for building trusting relationships and creating collaborative partnerships with families to build a solid educational foundation for children.


In this course, you will learn all about infant care. We discuss foundations of infant development, the importance of a loving caregiver, infants’ amazing abilities, and best practices for supporting their development. Through an emphasis on daily activities we show how you can build relationships and promote development.

All Resources on Caregiving

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    In this course, Early Childhood Educators (ECE) will be provided an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as they occur in the context of early childhood. ECEs will also be provided with strategies for managing the classroom and behavior of the individual child.

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    In this course, Early Childhood Educators (ECE) will be provided an overview of social emotional learning in preschoolers with special emphasis on teaching children to learn, regulate emotions and be resilient.

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    In this training course, you will learn about cultural sensitivity. We define and describe culture, how cultures differ, dual language learners, pathways to cultural sensitivity, strategies for communicating with families who do not share your language, and strategies to make your setting culturally competent.

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    Social emotional development begins at birth and continues throughout life. This course will introduce child care providers to the process social emotional development, including key concepts such as temperament and attachment which affect a young child’s ability to develop strong social and emotional skills.

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    “Getting the wiggles out” is not the sole purpose of outdoor play. This course helps teachers understand the importance of outdoor play and how to make it a priority. Safety aspects such as playground standards

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    Child care providers have a great influence on what infants and toddlers see, hear, touch, taste, feel, and smell while children are in their care. This course examines several aspects of appropriate environments for infants and toddlers, such as health and safety, space and furnishings, learning areas, and more.

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    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the leading cause of death among babies between 1 and 12 months old. This course will help you learn how to create a safe sleep environment for infants, thus reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also called SIDS, and other sleep-related causes of death that affect infants.

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    Circle time, or large group time, is when children come together to learn and have fun, solve problems, and be part of a community. This setting helps children begin to look at the world from the perspective of ‘we’ and ‘ours’. Circle time experiences, transitions and strategies for keeping children engaged are introduced.

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    Children with healthy self-esteem, compared to their peers with unhealthy self-esteem, tend to be happier, more confident in their abilities, and less afraid of failure. This course covers the concept of self-esteem, how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy self-esteem, and how to foster children’s self-esteem.

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    Classroom management refers to skills teachers use daily to supervise and organize time, materials and activities, while keeping children safe. From the rules and routines to the activities, each component needs to be planned and followed through with children to ensure they are learning through play throughout the day.

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