Cooking & Food Safety

We offer educational resources, including online certifications for Texas food handlers, on cooking and food safety. Whether you are a cottage food producer, a farmer’s market vendor or you are cooking for your family, our resources teach all Texans the basics of safe food handling, preparation, cooking, serving and storing.

Related Departments: Food Science & Technology, Nutrition



Checking temperature of cooked chicken

Cooking Well Series

The Cooking Well Series is a suite of programs which includes various lessons of interactive classes with research-based information accompanied by a cooking component. Resources for this program are provided by county agents directly.
hands cutting up a red pepper

Learn About
Cooking & Food Safety



Almost any size group can be served. The size of your group determines the amount of equipment and supplied needed. This publication will teach you how to host your own omelet event.


Freezing is one tool that everyone can use to stretch their food dollars. This publication will teach you how to freeze poultry for home use.


New ways of marketing and merchandising have made turkey products available all year. This publication will teach you about purchasing and using turkey products.


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

These proven beef quality practices are simply better methods of doing the same jobs you’re already doing.


The Texas 4-H Family & Community Health Program provides a variety of resources and opportunities to learn about nutrition, interior design, consumer education and more.


Balancing Food & Play (grades 3rd-5th) was developed to address children’s health issues by developing lifelong healthy behaviors through nutrition, physical activity, and family engagement.



Interested in selling food at a Texas farmers’ market? Need to know what permits are required? This one hour online course provides valuable information for potential vendors about the rules and regulations of Texas farmers’ markets.


In this course, behaviors supporting a healthful weight in children will be discussed in context of their supporting research and recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Sample preschool eating patterns recommended by the USDA MyPlate will also be discussed.


Research shows that implementing policies can help promote behavior change. This one-hour course will walk learners through the steps of policy development, implementation and evaluation.

All Resources on Cooking & Food Safety

  • Publication

    Poultry is often seen as a food that is high in protein, nutritious, less expensive and can be made many ways. Poultry can also be a very safe food when taking precautions. This publication will teach you how to handle poultry meat products for safe consumption.

  • Publication

    The demand for boneless chicken meat is increasing because of the development of food service convenience products and new cooking methods. This publication will teach you how to properly debone a broiler chicken.

  • Publication

    Gourmet dishes made from boneless breast of chicken are the basis of a delicious meal. This publication will walk you through the steps of deboning chicken.

  • Publication

    Cutting up a chicken is easier than most people think. This publication walks you through cutting up a chicken.

  • Publication

    Cutting up a chicken is easier than most people think. This publication walks you through cutting up a chicken.

  • Publication

    Carving a turkey at the table seems to make a meal just a little more special and festive. This publication will walk you through the steps of carving a turkey.

  • Publication

    Food and drinks are often spoiled during storms and other disasters. After a power loss or a flood, each item needs to be checked to determine whether it is safe to eat or drink. Do not taste anything that is suspected to be spoiled. This publication also covers foods to throw away, what might be […]

  • Publication

    El deterioro de alimentos y bebidas durante las tormentas y otros desastres es comun. Si ocurre un corte de energia o una inundacion, es necesario verificar cada alimento para determinar si resulta seguro consumirlo. No pruebe ningun alimento o bebida que crea que se ha echado a perder. Si no cuenta con suficiente agua para […]

  • Publication

    Learn about the impact of the Texas Poultry Industry through this publication.

    Note: This is a paid downloadable publication.

  • Publication

    This publication is for food managers in the food-service industry to learn proper food safety practices.

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