Search results for: “cattle fever tick”

  • Project
    Dairy project participants can demonstrate their knowledge and abilities at dairy cattle shows from the local to national level, in public speaking contests and in dairy cattle judging. You will...
  • Project
    The Texas 4-H Beef Cattle Project allows youth to explore the various aspects of the cattle industry such as livestock selection, nutrition, and animal husbandry. Not only does this project...
    4H students at livestock show
  • Publication
    ...domesticated, distinct populations developed in response to prevailing influences of natural selection. After domestication, some cattle populations became even more distinct as cattle raisers influenced which individuals reproduced. (8 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...In cow/calf production systems, it is most efficient and economical to select cattle that fit production conditions, rather than attempting to modify conditions to meet requirements of cattle. (4 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...biological and chemical control methods. It includes pesticide suggestions for beef cattle and nonlactating dairy cattle, lactating dairy cattle, sheep and nonlactating goats, swine, horses, poultry, and premises. (42 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Research using cattle fitted with GPS collars has shed light on how cattle behave in response to different landscape features such as brush, rock cover, slope, water, forage, and grazing...
  • Publication
    Housing horses and cattle together can provide benefits to both the animals and the pasture, but there are key differences between the two species that animal owners must take into...
  • Publication
    ...Disease Traceability (ADT) rule regarding electronic identification (EID) tags for cattle and bison moving through Texas. Learn about the updated requirements and exceptions of the ADT rule for Texas cattle....
  • Publication
    The Dairy Evaluation Handbook is designed for teaching both beginners and experienced individuals to properly evaluate dairy cattle based on live animal comparisons as well as pedigree information. (45 pp.)
  • Publication
    There are several value-based fed cattle pricing systems, including formula pricing, price grids, and alliances. This publication describes the different cattle pricing methods and helps you decide which is best...