Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”
- Publication...impact The plant's operation Inputs and products With this publication, you will learn how to compare the benefits of using scarce water resources for ethanol production and for crop production....
- Publication...from Southwest Kansas through the Texas High Plains. This publication explains the impact of the beef industry on the water supplies and economy of the Southern Ogallala Region. (13 pages)...
- supply their needs. Current swine operations are large, capital-intensive, and labor-efficient. This publication examines the impact of the swine industry on the region's economy and water use. (12 pages)...
- PublicationSoil is a layer of unconsolidated (i.e., loose) mineral and/or organic material. Soil is nearest to the Earth’s surface in terrestrial areas (not covered by water). Soil makes up a...
- Publication...water drops that freeze onto the hailstone’s surface. When the thunderstorm’s updraft can no longer support the weight of the hailstone-which may occur if the stone becomes large enough or...
- PublicationRangeland health is the degree to which the integrity of the soil, vegetation, water, air, and ecological processes are balanced and sustained. In this leaflet, you will learn techniques for...
- PublicationThree tables detailing treatment response of common aquatic pond plants to registered herbicides, as well as water use restrictions are also covered. Common active ingredients in herbicides are listed, along...
- District Office...states in topics relevant to the communities we serve: cattle feedlot nutrition water and air quality for concentrated animal feeding operations wheat breeding and genetics precision agriculture integrated crop and...
- PublicationWith hot water for scalding, ice water for chilling and a sharp knife, poultry can be processed at home for dressed poultry shows or home consumption. This publication discusses facilities...
- PublicationSoil management is an important aspect of grape production that may begin even before planting a vineyard. Soil provides the water and essential nutrients required for healthy grapevine growth and...