Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    ...from Southwest Kansas through the Texas High Plains. This publication explains the impact of the beef industry on the water supplies and economy of the Southern Ogallala Region. (13 pages)...
  • Publication supply their needs. Current swine operations are large, capital-intensive, and labor-efficient. This publication examines the impact of the swine industry on the region's economy and water use. (12 pages)...
  • Publication
    Soil management is an important aspect of grape production that may begin even before planting a vineyard. Soil provides the water and essential nutrients required for healthy grapevine growth and...
  • Publication
    Rangeland health is the degree to which the integrity of the soil, vegetation, water, air, and ecological processes are balanced and sustained. In this leaflet, you will learn techniques for...
  • Publication
    Three tables detailing treatment response of common aquatic pond plants to registered herbicides, as well as water use restrictions are also covered. Common active ingredients in herbicides are listed, along...
  • District Office
    ...states in topics relevant to the communities we serve: cattle feedlot nutrition water and air quality for concentrated animal feeding operations wheat breeding and genetics precision agriculture integrated crop and...
    wheat field
  • Publication
    With hot water for scalding, ice water for chilling and a sharp knife, poultry can be processed at home for dressed poultry shows or home consumption. This publication discusses facilities...
  • Publication
    ...This is a checklist to guide landowners on what information to have available for professionals, such as their County Extension Agent, prior to them visiting the waterbody. This checklist may...
  • Publication preparing the old plants immediately after the removal of the main crop. This publication discusses important factors to consider when contemplating a ratoon crop, including water stress, grain quality,...
  • Publication
    ...used in lawn products. Atrazine can run off the site of application and enter surface water if applied incorrectly, but it poses little threat to drinking water quality. (2 pages)...