Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Course
    ...this bundle, you will gain improved understanding of the non-residential OSSFs, typically used for serving commercial facilities such as restaurants, office buildings, schools, and RV parks. Wastewater generated at such...
  • Publication
    ...high-value crops because they allow you to extend the growing season and protect plants against harsh environments. This publication uses a case study to explain basic hoop house construction. It...
  • Course
    ...a plan to share results with families. After completing this training, participants should be able to: Describe the role of assessment in the Cycle of Curriculum Planning; Explain when and...
  • Course
    ...essential. After completing this training, participants should be able to: Define language development, including expressive and receptive language skills; Describe how to create a language-rich environment; Explain language and vocabulary...
  • Publication
    An easement is a means by which a landowner grants another person the right to use the landowner's property for a specific purpose. This factsheet discusses the two types of...
  • Course
    Course Information This course consists of seven modules that educate farmers, crop consultants, water district personnel, dealers, and agency personnel on how to measure on-farm water usage using different metering...
  • Course
    Course Information This online course shows cotton growers and pesticide applicators the signs of infestation of common insect pests like: thrips, cotton aphids, fleahoppers, lygus bugs, stink bugs, cotton bollworms,...
  • Publication
    Proteger una piara de cerdos de enfermedades implica comprender como se transmiten las enfermedades y establecer un programa solido de vacunacion y practicas generales de bioseguridad. (3 paginas)...