Homeowner Maintenance of Aerobic Treatment Units

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


An aerobic septic system, or aerobic treatment unit (ATU), uses oxygen to breakdown both dissolved and solid constituents into gases, cell mass, and non-degradable material contained in wastewater. This online course will teach you how to properly maintain and operate your ATU. You will have 30 days from the day you register to complete this program. If you do not complete the program within this limit, your registration will expire, and you will need to pay the registration fees again to start over.

Course Information

In this online course, we will be discussing information that is important to you, the homeowner, for performing proper operation, maintenance, and monitoring service of your onsite wastewater treatment system, also called an Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) and Spray System.

We will also discuss the routine reporting requirements for keeping your ATU & Spray System in compliance with Texas regulations at the state and local level.

For Texas counties that have approved this course, it will allow homeowners to maintain their own Aerobic Treatment Unit. To determine if your county is eligible, contact your local regulatory authority.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basic operation and maintenance activities for an ATU
  • Be a better consumer in the onsite wastewater treatment industry
  • Have the knowledge needed to develop a professional relationship with your maintenance providers.

*Learners will have 30 days to complete this course. If you do not complete the program within 30 days, your registration will expire and you will need to pay the registration fees again to start over.

Course Outline

This course will be presented as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Avoiding Illnesses & Accidents
  • Chapter 3: Understanding How Aerobic Systems Work
  • Chapter 4: Your Aerobic Treatment System Is Part Of The Family
  • Chapter 5: General Operation & Maintenance Of Your Aerobic System


If your locality allows you to perform these activities instead of having a service contract, AND if they have approved this course, then you may be eligible to receive a certificate.

To receive a certificate, you must successfully complete this course and pass the final quiz with a grade of 100%. You will then be able to present your certificate to your local regulator and sign-up for maintaining your own ATU and Spray System.

To find your local regulatory authority, visit the TCEQ website.

Looking for solutions in your county? Contact your local extension experts

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