Search results for: “Top Wheat Picks”
- PublicationThe wheat curl mite (WCM) is one of the most significant pests affecting wheat production globally. WCM are microscopic arthropods about 0.2 mm long. Besides wheat, several other grass species...
- PublicationSmall grains are widely grown as a cool-season forage crop for beef cattle and dairy industries in Texas. Small grains such as wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – used for grazing...
- Publication...of 12 percent as adequate. Depending on the availability of high-protein wheat in the local and global wheat markets, wheat producers may receive premiums or discounts for their grain with...
- Publication...species. FHB is one of the most important diseases of wheat across most of the wheat-producing regions in the world. FHB can result in yield loss from sterility in produced...
- PublicationKarnal bunt is a fungal disease that affects wheat, durum wheat and triticale. This publication explains the life cycle of the disease, how it spreads, and methods of control. (4...
- PublicationWinter wheat producers in the Rolling Plains and High Plains have a tight crop management schedule year-round. This publication charts management practices in calendar format to help winter wheat producers...
- PublicationFreeze injury in wheat is a complex issue involving environmental, cultural, and physiological factors that can cause freeze damage to vary between and even within fields, making it difficult to...
- PublicationAll insects have natural enemies that limit their populations. This publication describes major insect pests of wheat and their natural enemies, including greenbugs/parasitic wasps, lacewings and lady beetles, and hessian...
- PublicationYellowing of wheat leaves in Texas is a problematic symptom during winter and early spring. This publication will help you determine if it is caused by nutrient deficiency, herbicide injury,...
- PublicationThis publication outlines the cultural, mechanical, and chemical methods for controlling weeds in wheat. It includes recommendations for pre-plant, pre-emergence, post-emergence, and post-harvest herbicides as well as harvest aids. Also...