Electrical Troubleshooting for Irrigation Systems

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Learn the basic science of electricity and how to safely and accurately troubleshoot common electronic components of irrigation systems. This course provides 8 hours of continuing education units for Texas Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, and others who self-report.

Course Information

This online course covers the basic science of electricity and how to safely wire and troubleshoot an electrical system supplying an irrigation system. Students are introduced to the physical laws describing how electricity and electrical circuits work. They use these physical laws to troubleshoot electrical system problems.

Students also learn how to select the proper size of wire for a circuit and the proper insulation for the environment according to the National Electric Code requirements. Other topics include electrical safety of installers and users, human response to electricity, personal protective equipment requirements, use of protective devices, and OSHA requirements.

This course provides 8 hours of continuing education units for Texas Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, and others who self-report.

Note: This course is not approved for TCEQ Landscape Irrigation Program CEU's. Students will have access to the course for 1 year.

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