San Angelo Research and Extension Center
- Type
- District Office

Our A&M AgriLife Research program mission is to develop “ranching solutions.” To accomplish this mission, we develop technologies to improve the efficiency of livestock and wildlife production while also improving the ecological condition of rangelands.
The center is home to the Bill Sims Wool and Mohair Research Laboratory and the Texas AgriLife Fecal Egg Counting (FEC) Lab.
Scientists at the center conduct research in San Angelo and at satellite stations located near Sonora, Ozona, Menard, and Carlsbad.
The A&M AgriLife Extension specialists, regional program directors and district AgriLife Extension administrator headquartered at the center give support to AgriLife Extension agents, providing educational programs at the county level in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, the 4-H youth program, and the Better Living for Texans initiative.