Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Reuse



BAEN has three major programs focused towards OSSF education and training: classroom education, field training and demonstration, and online (website) education and information dissemination.    


Anish Jantrania 

Associate Professor/Extension Specialist 


1844 Ave B.
Bryan, TX 77807

Center is open all the time; personal appointments available by request

About 20% of dwellings (residential and commercial) in Texas rely on On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) for treatment and disposal of wastewater.  The total number of OSSF's in Texas at the end of 2021 is over 2.3 million, approximately 750,000 of which are aerobic treatment and spray systems.  More than half of new OSSF permits issued in Texas are for aerobic treatment unit (ATU) and spray systems, which requires routine operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

Education and training for the end-users (home and business owners) and for licensed onsite wastewater professionals (site evaluators, designers, installers, service providers, and regulators) is important to ensure water quality and public health protection from OSSF use. BAEN has three major programs focused towards OSSF education and training: (1) classroom education, (2) field training and demonstration, and (3) online (website) education and information dissemination.

Looking for solutions in your county? Contact your local extension experts

  • Course

    This course aims to help beef cattle producers protect Texas waterways from contamination that is linked with the production of livestock. These contaminations may also pose a health risk to Texas citizens.

  • Course

    This course will help land owners and managers become familiar and confident to manage invasive and encroaching brush species with individual plant treatment (IPT) herbicide applications.

  • Course

    The Generation Next curriculum targets new landowners, those who are inheriting land, or those who are looking to start a new agricultural operation on an existing ranch.

  • Course

    This 1-hour course exposes learners to information regarding The Texas Watershed Steward (TWS) Program. Students will learn about the importance of water, the role of watersheds in the water cycle, and much more. Students have the option of obtaining school credit for this course.

  • Publication

    The significance of boron to plants is covered in this fact sheet.

  • Course

    This online course will equip corn growers and pesticide applicators with knowledge of insect pest identification, thresholds, treatment, and prevention in Texas corn.