Agrilife Extension Resources

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  • Publication

    This 3-page publication discusses ThryvOn cotton and its activity on certain insects.

  • Publication

    This 2-page factsheet discusses a study conducted to evaluate the synergies between conservation tillage and irrigation management.

  • Publication

    This three-page factsheet describes the symptoms and phases of this new disease, as well as yield impact, and management.

  • Publication

    This factsheet discusses a project that assessed labor and equipment limitations, risks, and benefits of different cost-sharing options in vineyards.

  • Publication

    This fact sheet discusses the steps necessary to prepare grapevine tissue samples for analysis.

  • Course

    Increased engagement in outdoor and nature play can benefit young children’s learning across all developmental domains.

    The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals strategies for supporting children’s social emotional development through outdoor play and learning activities.

  • Course

    Increased engagement in outdoor and nature play can benefit young children’s learning across all developmental domains.

    The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals strategies for supporting children’s physical development through outdoor play and learning activities.

  • Course

    To facilitate positive social and emotional outcomes for children, early childhood educators need to understand and recognize the role of stress and trauma on early brain development and implement proactive and responsive measures to build children’s resilience.

    This 2-hour course aims to help early childhood professionals understand how they can play a part in cultivating positive social emotional outcomes for each child by applying trauma-informed and resiliency-supporting practices in early learning settings.

  • Course

    Despite the known benefits of outdoor and nature play for young children, early childhood educators and administrators may worry about issues of safety and liability.

    The purpose of this 2-hour course is to equip early childhood professionals to view risk in outdoor and nature play as a process of balancing risks and benefits, rather than a barrier to including outdoor and nature play in your program.

  • Course

    Early childhood educators can make the most of planned outdoor and nature play experiences in terms of children’s learning through the interactions they have with children as they play.

    The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals actionable strategies for facilitating learning through outdoor and nature play.