Agrilife Extension Resources

We provide a wealth of courses, materials and programs across the state and online to help Texans improve their health through better nutrition. In addition to offering recommendations based on the latest healthy living and nutrition research, the resources can even help save you money when at the store.

Related Departments: Food Science & Technology, Nutrition

Hands grabbing strawberries from a bowl
Showing results for: Nutrition
Asset Type: Publication
  • Publication

    Created by teachers, this multifaceted garden, nutrition, and physical activities curriculum is evidence-based and academically rich.

  • Publication

    Set of five children’s books featured in the Learn, Grow, Eat & Go! curriculum.

  • Publication

    This 24-page downloadable cookbook contains three days’ worth of recipes that can easily be made with minimal preparation, ingredients, and resources.

    Note: This is a paid downloadable publication.

  • Publication

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) most often occurs from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body, such as from a motor vehicle accident or fall-but, it can also occur from an object penetrating the skull (e.g., bullet, nail, and many other objects). The three major effects of TBI include physical, cognitive, behavioral, and […]

  • Publication

    This publication on Sugar Snap Peas is part of a series on fruits and vegetables that includes growing, storing, and cooking tips.

  • Publication

    This publication on Tomatillos is part of a series on fruits and vegetables that includes growing, storing, and cooking tips.

  • Publication

    This publication on Turnip and Mustard Greens is part of a series on fruits and vegetables that includes growing, storing, and cooking tips.

  • Publication

    This publication on Container Grown Citrus is part of a series on fruits and vegetables that includes growing, storing, and cooking tips.

  • Publication

    This classroom set (25 copies) of the 10 Garden Kitchen Recipes highlight the 12 nutrient dense vegetables featured in the Learn, Grow, Eat & GO! curricula.

  • Publication

    Spanish Version. Created by teachers, this multifaceted garden, nutrition, and physical activities curriculum is evidence-based and academically rich.