Agrilife Extension Resources

weeds in a field
Showing results for: Weed Control
Asset Type: Publication
  • Publication

    Turfgrasses are vital to landscapes, athletic fields, and golf courses; they enhance our quality of life.

  • Publication

    Using an integrated strategy that combines cultural, mechanical, and chemical methods can help you manage weeds in cotton effectively, economically, and with little harm to the environment. This publication lists herbicides for pre-plant burndown, pre-plant incorporated, pre-emergence, post-emergence, post-directed or hooded, and wick or wiper applications. It also lists herbicides, formulations, group numbers, and mechanisms […]

  • Publication

    This publication outlines the primary weed pests of spinach, integrated weed management strategies, and recent research findings as they influence current best practices for controlling weeds in spinach.

  • Publication

    This 2-page quick reference guide for common rangeland and pasture herbicides includes information on active ingredients, trade names, grazing restrictions, hay harvest restrictions, and rainfast intervals.

  • Publication

    This publication outlines the cultural, mechanical, and chemical methods for controlling weeds in wheat. It includes recommendations for pre-plant, pre-emergence, post-emergence, and post-harvest herbicides as well as harvest aids. Also detailed are herbicide restrictions, modes of action, and efficacy for grasses and weeds. (25 pages)

  • Publication

    This guide was developed for professional turfgrass managers, county Extension agents, and others who maintain athletic, golf course, landscape, recreational, or utility turfgrasses. Resources include Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Faculty, Industry cooperators, published literature, and general knowledge of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides available to the turfgrass industry. (120 pages)

  • Publication

    Yellowing of wheat leaves in Texas is a problematic symptom during winter and early spring. This publication will help you determine if it is caused by nutrient deficiency, herbicide injury, freeze damage, moisture stress, disease, and insect issues’ some combination thereof. You can then select an appropriate management strategy. (5 pages)

  • Publication

    This Bermudagrass lawn management calendar details relevant aspects of selection, mowing, irrigation, fertilization, weed and insect control, and aeration. The document includes a month-by-month lawn care calendar indexed to in-depth explanations of each topic within the document. Included also are pre- and post-emergence herbicide references. (9 pages)

  • Publication

    The tropical sod webworm can cause significant damage to managed turf very quickly. This publication explores this pest's life cycle and geographic distribution as well as how to identify the larval stage and the damage it causes. Sources for treatment recommendations are included. (2 pages)

  • Publication

    When performed properly, mowing is used to maintain a particular turf grass height and appearance that supports the specific use and aesthetic expectations of that area. This publication details several mowing factors and recommendations for warm-season turf grasses. (4 pages)