Agrilife Extension Resources

We have lawn and garden resources for everyone from the hobby gardener to the athletic field turfgrass manager. County-based AgriLife Extension horticulturists and statewide specialists share their expertise through workshops, webinars and online information to assist those Texans with, and without, a green thumb.

Related Departments: Horticultural Sciences, Food Science & Technology, Entomology, Agricultural Economics

Person planting yellow flowers
Showing results for: Lawn & Garden
Asset Type: Publication
  • Publication

    Green infrastructure is a smart and sustainable way to manage stormwater, improve water quality, and support native biodiversity. It’s cost-effective and eco-friendly, making it a perfect choice for communities looking to enhance their environment while saving money.
    Ready to make a positive impact? Discover how green infrastructure can transform your space today!

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    Grassbur is a problematic grassy weed that can disrupt the quality of any turf setting. Learn about creating a healthy turf stand, including preemergent and post-emergent herbicide recommendations.

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    This publication explains how rainwater harvesting landscape methods can save consumers money, reduce the demand for potable water, use water efficiently, and reduce flooding, erosion and surface water contamination.

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    Today Master Gardeners are active in all 50 U.S. States and eight Canadian provinces. The heart of the Texas Master Gardener program is the dedicated, passionate volunteers who are willing to share their knowledge with anyone interested. 2019 Edition.

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    Identify the bluestem grasses on your property and meet your land management goals with this publication.

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    Grasses are one of Texas’ most valuable natural resources and this publication gives you information on where to find grasses and identify them.

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    This 2-page publication focuses on early sanitization practices to minimize the risk of plant disease in your garden.

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    It is important to select a turfgrass species that is adapted to the climate in your area and to the conditions of the site where it will be planted.

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    Turfgrasses are vital to landscapes, athletic fields, and golf courses; they enhance our quality of life.

  • Publication

    Performing a prescribed fire is a serious undertaking, and a burn plan is key to the safest and easiest way to accomplish a prescribed burn. Leading up to the day of the prescribed fire, a checklist should be thoroughly reviewed and assessed to determine critical elements such as: The weather conditions during which the burn […]