Agrilife Extension Resources

We provide educational information on selecting, growing and caring for flowers and ornamentals through AgriLife Extension horticulturists, online materials, hands-on workshops and virtual seminars. Similarly, we conduct research at trial gardens across the state to identify and determine which varieties are best suited for each region.

Pink and orange flower
Showing results for: Flowers & Ornamentals
Asset Type: Program
  • Program

    NCPN-Roses is a network of scientists, educators, state and federal regulators that act together to ensure that rose budwood and rootstock is clean and available.

  • Program

    Aggie Horticulture provides gardening and horticultural crop production factsheets, guides and databases.

    Skip Richter training a squash vine up a trellis
  • Program

    The Junior Master Gardener program, JMG, is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network.

    Teen girl adding soil to planters
  • Program

    The Texas Master Gardener program trains and supports a network of volunteers to provide horticultural-related information within their communities.

    Two volunteers in a garden
  • Program

    Texas A&M AgriLife Foundation Seed produces and markets genetically pure seeds of new plant cultivars developed by scientists of Texas A&M AgriLife Research.