Essential Nutrients for Plants

By: Tony L. Provin and Mark L. McFarland

labeled soil samples in small clear cups
Illustration of how nutrients are limiting factors in plant growth. Just as the shortest plank, or stave, of a barrel limits the amount of its contents, so does the amount of a nutrient limit the maximum size or yield of a plant. For the barrel at left, the shortest stave is nitrogen. For the barrel at right, the limiting nutrient is calcium.

To be able to grow, develop, and produce at their best, plants must have specific elements or compounds called plant essential nutrients.

A plant that lacks an essential nutrient cannot complete its life cycle — the seed may not germinate; the plant may not be able to develop roots, stems, leaves, or flowers properly; or it may not be able to produce seeds to create new plants. Often the plant itself will die.

However, having too much of a nutrient can harm and even kill plants. For example, having too much nitrogen can cause a plant to grow more leaves but less or no fruit. Too much manganese can make the leaves turn yellow and eventually die. And excess boron can kill a plant.

You can save money and effort — and even your plants — if you know what and how much to give your plants. The plants will be healthier and more productive if you give them what they need — no more and no less.

Plant essential nutrients

Scientists have identified 16 essential nutrients and grouped them according to the relative amount of each that plants need:

A very few plants need five other nutrients: cobalt, nickel, silicon, sodium, and vanadium.

Each essential nutrient affects specific functions of plant growth and development (Table 1). Plant growth is limited by the nutrient that is in the shortest supply (Fig. 1).

Forms of essential plant nutrients

To be used by a plant, an essential nutrient must be broken down into its basic form. The nutrient must be in the form of either a positively charged ion (cation) or a negatively charged ion (anion). A plant cannot use organic compounds, such as those in manure or dead leaves, until they are broken down into their elemental or ionic forms.

Also, plants cannot use an element that is not in the proper form (a specific ion) even if it is present in high concentrations in the soil. For example, the presence of iron (Fe) in the soil will not guarantee that enough of the proper iron ions, Fe2+ or Fe3+, will be available to the plant.

Plants take in almost all of the essential nutrients through their roots. The exception is carbon, which is taken in through leaf pores, or stomata.

Two types of organisms living in the soil help the roots take up nutrients:

Determining available nutrient levels in the soil

It is hard to tell whether the soil has a nutrient problem just by looking at the plants. Symptoms vary by nutrient and plant species.

Common symptoms of a soil nutrient problem include:

Before spreading any fertilizer — organic or inorganic — check for other possible causes of the problem. Similar symptoms can be caused by diseases, insects, herbicides, compacted soil, and wide changes in soil moisture levels.

To learn whether you need to add nutrients, have the soil tested by an agricultural soil testing laboratory such as the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Soil, Water and Forage Testing Laboratory. The test results will enable you to apply or avoid applying specific nutrients to ensure that the plants get what they need.  

Table 1. Form, source, mode of uptake and major functions of 16 plant essential nutrients

Nutrient FamilyNutrientPercentage of plantForm taken up by plant (ion)Mode of uptakeMajor functions in plants
PrimaryCarbon45Carbon dioxide (CO2), bicarbonate (HCO3)Open somatesPlant structures
PrimaryOxygen45Water (H2O)Mass flowRespiration, energy production, plant structures
PrimaryHydrogen6.0Water (H2O)Mass flowpH regulation, water retention, synthesis of carbohydrates
PrimaryNitrogen1.75Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4+)Mass flowProtein/amino acids, chlorophyll, cell formation
PrimaryPhosphorous0.25Dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4-, HPO42-), phosphate (PO43+)Root interceptionCell formation, protein syntheses, fat and carbohydrate metabolism
PrimaryPotassium1.5Potassium ion (K+)Mass flowWater regulation, enzyme activity
SecondaryCalcium0.50Calcium ion (Ca2+)Mass flowRoot permeability, enzyme activity
SecondaryMagnesium0.20Magnesium ion (Mg2+)Mass flowChlorophyll, fat formation and metabolism
SecondarySulfur0.03Sulfate (SO42-)Mass flowProtein, amino acid, vitamin and oil formation
MicroChlorine0.01Choloride (Cl-)Root interceptionChlorophyll formation, enzyme activity, cellular development
MicroIron0.01Iron ion (Fe2+, Fe3+)Root interceptionEnzyme development and activity
MicroZinc0.002Zinc ion (Zn2+)Root interceptionEnzyme activity
MicroManganese0.005Manganese ion (Mn2+)Root interceptionEnzyme activity and pigmentation
MicroBoron0.0001Boric acid (H3BO3), borate (BO33-), tetraborate (B4O7)Root interceptionEnzyme activity
MicroCopper0.0001Copper ion (Cu2+)Mass flowEnzyme activity
MicroMolybdenum0.00001Molybdenum ions (HMoO4-, MoO42+)Mass flowEnzyme activity and nitrogen fixation in legumes

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