Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
- Type
- Program
BAEN has three major programs focused towards OSSF education and training: classroom education, field training and demonstration, and online (website) education and information dissemination.
Anish Jantrania
Associate Professor/Extension Specialist
1844 Ave B.
Bryan, TX 77807
Center is open all the time; personal appointments available by request
About 20% of dwellings (residential and commercial) in Texas rely on On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) for treatment and disposal of wastewater. The total number of OSSF's in Texas at the end of 2021 is over 2.3 million, approximately 750,000 of which are aerobic treatment and spray systems. More than half of new OSSF permits issued in Texas are for aerobic treatment unit (ATU) and spray systems, which requires routine operation, maintenance, and monitoring.
Education and training for the end-users (home and business owners) and for licensed onsite wastewater professionals (site evaluators, designers, installers, service providers, and regulators) is important to ensure water quality and public health protection from OSSF use. BAEN has three major programs focused towards OSSF education and training: (1) classroom education, (2) field training and demonstration, and (3) online (website) education and information dissemination.
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