Search results for: “homeowners guide to pests of peaches plums and pecans”

  • Course pests; Describe basic cotton growth and development; Identify and treat common pests; and Protect helpful insects and spot diseases. NOTE: This course is available to Texas A&M AgriLife employees...
  • Publication
    Food preparation areas in animal shelters have all the essential elements for pest infestations’ Aifood, water, and harborage. This guide explains how to store food properly and what steps to...
  • Publication
    Pests such as aphids, armyworms, cutworms, mites, and wireworms cause significant damage to small-grains crops. This publication explains sampling, economic thresholds, and control of more than 25 species of these...
  • Publication
    All insects have natural enemies that limit their populations. This publication describes major insect pests of wheat and their natural enemies, including greenbugs/parasitic wasps, lacewings and lady beetles, and hessian...
  • Publication
    This publication explains integrated pest management (IPM) practices for 30 insect pests of five Texas forage crops’ hay, forage sorghum, alfalfa, clover, and vetch. (31 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...economic and natural control factors. This publication explains how to determine whether pesticides are needed, which ones to use for various corn pests, and when to use them. (31 pages)...
  • Publication
    Pantry and fabric pests are found occasionally in nearly every home. This publication explains strategies to help you manage infestations that develop in fabric, stored foods in kitchens and pantries,...
  • Publication
    This publication provides examples of pests and signs of their presence in a garden while explaining the important beneficial insects. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Growing your own vegetables is a pleasant and satisfying way to enjoy nature and save money. But managing garden pest populations in the vegetable garden isn't always easy. This publication...
  • Publication
    Because many bite marks look very similar, it can be difficult to know what has bitten a person without actually seeing the arthropod. However, knowing some information can help narrow...