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  • Publication
    Opossums are omnivores that can become a nuisance when they eat pet food, fruit on trees, pecans, seeds in bird feeders and garbage in trash cans. They also carry murine...
  • Course
    Course Information A discussion of the effects of common misuse and combinations of misuse and its effect on pediatric injury. An analysis of the data was done to show which...
  • Publication
    A producer can use a bull call spread when trying either to protect or to benefit from a rising market. This publication discusses how a bull call spread works, margin...
  • Publication
    This booklet contains 150 test questions and answers for Lessons 1, 3, 5, and 7 from Veterinary Science: Preparatory Training for the Veterinary Assistant. Note: This is a paid downloadable...
  • Publication
    ...areas prone to cool, wet conditions when plant growth slows down. This publication covers the damage thrips do to cotton and what management options are available to growers. (3 pages)...
  • Publication
    The field symptoms of sorghum ergot are familiar to anyone involved in sorghum production. It is more difficult to identify the fungal pathogen in seed because there is a lack...
  • Publication
    ...FFA Career Development Events committee in July 2021. Revisions were made in plant listings and descriptions, and content was reviewed by subject matter experts and WAY Committee members. (187 pp.)...
  • Course
    Course Information The environment in an early care and education program serves as the foundation for learning and development in all domains. Using the constructivist theory, emphasizing creating an environment...
  • Course
    Course Information This online course is designed for teachers, leaders, and parents to assist instruction to students enrolled in the Veterinary Science Certificate Program. Resources include: 100 pre-recorded teacher-led videos...
  • Publication
    Various methods are available for land management, and a basic understanding of these tools and their usage can help simplify the process. This publication provides an overview of basic herbicide...