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  • Publication
    While brush can be a problem for livestock production on South Texas rangelands, brush is a necessary part of the habitat for deer. This publication describes various brush management methods...
  • Publication
    ...and have devastating negative effects. This publication answers the most common questions and concerns regarding avian influenza and outlines biosecurity measures you can use to protect your flocks. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    As a general rule, small ponds intensively managed for catfish are the most susceptible to die-off problems. Other common scenarios for summer die-off problems are ponds with large quantities of...
  • Publication
    Cotton that is not well protected from the elements loses quality and value as it waits to be ginned. This publication explains the effect of a good cotton module tarp...
  • Publication
    The wheat curl mite (WCM) is one of the most significant pests affecting wheat production globally. WCM are microscopic arthropods about 0.2 mm long. Besides wheat, several other grass species...
  • Publication
    Types of risk associated with range ecosystems include climatic, biological, financial, and political risks. These risks are explained so that managers can know how to handle them. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...vineyards and orchards. Specifically, they feed on thin-skinned crops including grapes, blackberries, raspberries, peaches, pears, plums, apples, and corn. This publication outlines the GJBs lifecycle, behavior, and management. (3 pages)...
  • Publication
    Esta publicacion explica todos los aspectos del cultivo de coles en el huerto de una casa. Los temas incluyen: seleccion del sitio, preparacion del suelo, variedades, siembra, fertilizacion, riego, cosecha,...
  • Publication
    In urban areas, tree squirrels can become pests when they eat pecans, berries, bird seed or vegetables from home gardens, or when they nest in attics. This leaflet discusses control...
  • Publication
    Like paper and plastic, some water can be recycled. This "graywater" which can be water from bathtubs and showers, clothes washing machines, and some sinks, can then be used in...