Search results for: “Water Wells in Floodplains”
- Publication...the soil to the groundwater that supplies your water well. This publication focuses on safely storing diesel, gasoline, kerosene, and liquid heating fuels in tanks that are exempt from regulation...
- PublicationThis publication discusses the nuances of Texas' water laws that landowners must navigate when locating, designing, and filling their ponds. (3 pages)...
- Publication...elements of laws governing hunting migratory birds over and around agricultural lands. It also explains how the rules for hunting doves differ from the rules for migratory waterfowl. (5 pages)...
- PublicationSeveral water lily-like species are native to Texas and can be found in lakes, ponds, pools, ditches, and slow streams. Most of these species are commonly confused with one another,...
- PublicationDevelopment is seriously affecting the freshwater wetland resources in the Greater Houston Metro Area, and continued loss at the rates documented will very likely have grave implications for the long-term...
- PublicationA vegetative filter strip is an area of vegetation established to remove contaminants from runoff. This publication explains how filter strips work and details soil types, dimensions, and vegetation options....
- PublicationThe objective for this activity is to teach students about cohesion and surface tension. This activity is appropriate for elementary students in grades 2 through 5. The activity can be...
- PublicationA vegetative filter strip is an area of vegetation established to remove contaminants from runoff. This publication explains how filter strips work and details soil types, dimensions, and vegetation options....
- PublicationDeep soil ripping utilizes a plow to cut into the soil, breaking up the compacted layers. This technique can prove beneficial to many landowners and livestock producers’ especially those in...
- PublicationProducts such as paints, solvents, adhesives, oils, cleaners, batteries, pesticides, and wood preservatives are commonly used in households and on farms, but they can be hazardous to groundwater if handled...