Search results for: “Plants Trees”

  • Publication
    A three-phase perennial weed control program is detailed in this publication. This publication also includes a chart with chemical suggestions for controlling specific weeds. (6 pages)...
  • Publication
    Weed identification is necessary to the success of any weed control program. Frequently, simple plant keys or "picture" identification guides are used to identify weeds. This handbook, which identifies and...
  • Publication
    This publication explains the steps to take in an IPM program and the importance of calibrating equipment and making proper calculations when pesticides need to be applied. (4 pp., 4...
  • Publication
    Tables in this publication list weeds that commonly infest grain sorghum, the products that control them, and details about spray volume and timing. There are also instructions for sprayer calibration....
  • Publication
    The Weed, Insect, and Disease Control in Turfgrass guide is a comprehensive resource for understanding and selecting herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides for use in turfgrasses. This guide includes information on...
  • Publication
    Ponds are nutrient sinks-a place where incoming nutrients from the watershed accumulate over time. This makes ponds the perfect place for aquatic vegetation to grow, often negatively impacting evaporation rates,...
  • Publication
    Bermudagrasses are widely used for sports field playing surfaces in transition zones and southern climates. To maintain high-quality and visually-appealing playing surfaces during the dormant season, sports fields are often...
  • Program
    The Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM) Extension program provides applicable and essential services through subject-matter experts of plant health management, plant diseases, plant-microbe interactions and the environmental sciences. Specialists are...
    Woman looking at plant under microscope
  • Publication
    Soil solarization is an environmentally friendly method of using the sun’ power to control pests such as bacteria, insects, and weeds in the soil. This publication explains how home gardeners...
  • Publication
    Coyotillo is a toxic plant that has poisoned people, cattle, sheep, goats, guinea pigs, horses, swine, and chickens. This publication describes the plant, lists symptoms of livestock poisoning, and discusses...