Search results for: “homeowners guide to pests of peaches plums and pecans”
- Publication...control provider uses the least hazardous methods to control pests. Texas school pesticide regulations classify all pesticides as Green, Yellow, or Red Category products. This publication explains the requirements associated...
- PublicationCotton fleahoppers are pests in early squaring cotton. They cause plants to lose squares (flower buds), affecting crop yield and quality. This publication explains fleahopper identification and life cycle, the...
- PublicationThis electronic publication describes the major cotton insects of Texas as well as various scouting and sampling methods for detecting these pests and lists the management tools for each pest...
- Publication...rural areas, and container breeding mosquitoes, which include species that can transmit human diseases. This publication explains how to prevent or reduce the problems that these pests cause. (4 Pages)...
- PublicationWhen sesame was first grown in the U.S., there was a minimal concern for economically damaging insect pests. Unfortunately, this has changed in the last few years, with several insects...
- PublicationSouthern chinch bugs are common pests of St. Augustine grass in the southern United States and often cause significant damage to the turf during the summer months. This publication explains...
- PublicationInsect pests damage garden plants and can reduce yields. This publication lists the different kinds of insects that attack gardens and advises on how to recognize and limit insect damage....
- PublicationSoil solarization is an environmentally friendly method of using the sun’ power to control pests such as bacteria, insects, and weeds in the soil. This publication explains how home gardeners...
- Publication...severe drought combined with fluctuating periods of extreme, unseasonal flooding created conditions for outbreaks of diseases and pests that, under normal conditions, do not kill trees. The solution to these...
- PublicationGovernmental entities (cities, counties, school districts…) often need assistance in controlling disease-transmitting pests, such as mosquitos. This publication covers the legal requirements and important points to consider when selecting a...