Search results for: “lawn fertilization environmental impact”

  • Publication
    If the leaves on your vegetable plants are twisted or curled, the problem could be environmental, chemical, or biological. This publication outlines five primary causes of damage to vegetable plants...
  • Publication
    Soil solarization is an environmentally friendly method of using the sun’ power to control pests such as bacteria, insects, and weeds in the soil. This publication explains how home gardeners...
  • Publication
    To keep workers safe, protect drinking water, and preserve environmental health, agricultural producers must clean and dispose of used chemical containers properly. This publication explains how to rinse, recycle, and...
  • Publication
    Plant diseases can be caused by certain organisms or by environmental factors. This publication discusses non-chemical methods that suppress disease-causing organisms. (4 pages.)
  • Publication
    ...stocking rate, and how to use these concepts on their land. This publication details the major factors that affect grazing and how plants interact with various environmental conditions. (8 pages)...
  • Publication
    This publication discusses rabies, a diseases that skunks can transmit, and the damage that skunks can cause. Suggestions for environmental and mechanical control are given, as well as instructions on...
  • Publication
    As the cost of fuel increases, so does the cost of operating motor vehicles and heating buildings. Researchers are investigating new sources of cleaner, cheaper, more environmentally friendly fuels. One...
  • District Office
    ...Plains producers. We develop and deliver information and technology that help production agriculture remain viable and profitable, while preserving environmental resources and improving the quality of life in our region....
    corn in a field
  • Program
    ...Williamson County. The farm is managed by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service as a living demonstration of research-based, profitable, and environmentally sustainable agricultural practices for the Texas Blackland Prairie....
    cotton plants in a field
  • Publication
    ...environmental science for monitoring wildlife, as well as natural resources such as air and water. Local volunteers can be more efficient covering large areas quickly, continuously, and at less cost...