Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Publication
    This publication is for homeowners or landscape professionals who want to prevent or treat turfgrass diseases. It explains the causes, treatment methods, and preventive measures for lawn diseases. An identification...
  • Publication
    Bacterial fruit blotch is a disease occurring sporadically in almost all areas of Texas where watermelons are grown. This publication discusses symptoms, diagnosis and disease development and management. (2 pages.)
  • Publication
    Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic roundworms that feed on plant roots. In turf grasses, they cause damage similar to that of water stress, nutrient deficiency, or root diseases. Golf course managers...
  • Publication
    Plant diseases can be caused by certain organisms or by environmental factors. This publication discusses non-chemical methods that suppress disease-causing organisms. (4 pages.)
  • Publication
    Sorghum ergot is a disease that attacks the unfertilized ovaries of the flowers of grain and forage sorghums and johnsongrass. This publication contains 3 color photographs to aid in diagnosis....
  • Publication
    A new aphid pest has infested grain sorghum in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Mexico. This publication details the insect's identification, behavior, damage, management, and control....
  • Publication
    Timing effective treatment to control sugarcane aphids in sorghum depends on the size of the sugarcane aphid population. The Sampling Protocol and Quick Aphid Checker charts and photos on this...
  • Publication
    Sorghum ergot is caused by a fungus that infects the ovaries of sorghum flowers, converting each into a white fungal mass. First discovered in Texas in March 1997, the fungus...
  • Publication
    Proteger una piara de cerdos de enfermedades implica comprender como se transmiten las enfermedades y establecer un programa solido de vacunacion y practicas generales de bioseguridad. (3 paginas)...
  • Publication
    Fairy ring disease causes brown or dark green arcs or circles that appear in lawns, golf courses, athletic fields, and other turf areas. This publication explains the causes, prevention, control,...