Search results for: “homeowners guide to pests of peaches plums and pecans”
- Publication...webs, and repeated infestations can damage plants. Control methods are most successful when one understands the pest's life cycle. This publication suggests several chemical and nonchemical control methods. (2 pages)...
- PublicationMexican honey wasps range from Texas to Nicaragua. They are social insects that build paper nests in the canopies of trees and shrubs. This publication explains the physical and cultural...
- PublicationMost homes and businesses eventually experience problems with indoor flies. Though relatively few kinds of flies can breed and complete their life cycles inside a structure, each indoor fly species...
- PublicationZika is a mosquito-transmitted disease caused by the Zika virus. This publication explores how the virus is spread and its potential effect on humans. Topics include: how to protect yourself...
- PublicationEl Zika es una enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos causada por el virus del Zika. (3 Paginas)....
- PublicationWomen of childbearing age should know about a new disease called Zika. If you are pregnant when or soon after contracting Zika, your unborn baby may develop microcephaly, a severe...
- PublicationMujeres en edad fertil necesitan conocer una nueva enfermedad conocida como Zika. Si esta embarazada cunado o justo despues de contraer el Zika, su bebe por nacer puede desarrollar microcefalia,...
- PublicationIt is possible to manage mosquitoes around your home at a reasonable cost. This publication explains how to destroy or treat mosquito breeding sites, use backyard foggers, and apply backyard...
- PublicationThis electronic download offers tips on how to avoid mosquito-borne diseases: Drain or dump any standing water around your home; watch for mosquitoes at any time of the day or...
- PublicationDisponible solo en formato digital. Esta publicacion ofrece consejos sobre como evitar enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos: Drene cualquier agua estancada cerca de su hogar; mantengase alerta en cuanto a los...