Search results for: “Childcare Training”

  • Course
    Course Information To facilitate positive social and emotional outcomes for children, early childhood educators need to understand and recognize the role of stress and trauma on early brain development and...
  • Course
    Course Information Children do not develop in a vacuum, so their social emotional development and mental health outcomes depend in part on the protective factors available in the settings and...
  • Course
    Course Information Despite the known benefits of outdoor and nature play for young children, early childhood educators and administrators may worry about issues of safety and liability. The purpose of...
  • Course
    Course Information Planning effective outdoor and nature play experiences to support young children's learning requires an intentional approach. The purpose of this 2-hour course is to help early childhood educators...
  • Course
    Course Information Early childhood education is not an act of transferring knowledge into children's passive minds. Effective educators recognize that children must be active, engaged participants in the learning process....
  • Course
    Course Information Early childhood educators can make the most of planned outdoor and nature play experiences in terms of children's learning through the interactions they have with children as they...
  • Course
    Course Information Outdoor and nature play can bring early childhood professionals, families, and community partners together in support of young children's learning. The purpose of this 2-hour course is to...
  • Course
    Course Information In early childhood, a child's social emotional development and mental health are one and the same. That means the strategies early childhood educators use to cultivate positive social...
  • Course
    Course Information Increased engagement in outdoor and nature play can benefit young children's learning across all developmental domains. The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals...
  • Course
    Course Information Increased engagement in outdoor and nature play can benefit young children's learning across all developmental domains. The purpose of this 2-hour course is to offer early childhood professionals...