Search results for: “Plants Trees”
- PublicationThis publication explains how to grow sweet potatoes. In this publication you will learn about: Varieties Climate Site selection Soil preparation Propagation Planting Fertilization Watering Diseases Insects Harvesting (2 pages)...
- PublicationThis publication explains how to grow native pecans commercially. Discussed are appropriate soils, site preparation, cultivation, management and harvest operations, and pest control. (5 pages)...
- PublicationPecans involve many factors. This publication explains how to determine the right orchard size, select a suitable growing site, design the orchard well, select the best varieties for the location...
- PublicationThis publication explains how to grow blueberries in Texas. Topics include varieties, climate, soil, spacing, planting, irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weed control, pest control, diseases, and harvest. (7 pages)
- PublicationLas hormigas de fuego pueden ser un problema grave durante y despues de una inundacion. Esta publicacion explica como protegerse cuando debe regresar a estructuras inundadas o lidiar con escombros...
- PublicationAreas flooded after a severe storm are prone to mosquito problems. Several mosquito species are a danger to humans because of the diseases they transmit. This publication explains the symptoms...
- PublicationBlow flies lay their eggs on animal remains and can spread disease. To control blow flies, it is important to remove dead animals and dispose of them properly, and to...
- PublicationProteger una piara de cerdos de enfermedades implica comprender como se transmiten las enfermedades y establecer un programa solido de vacunacion y practicas generales de bioseguridad. (3 paginas)...
- PublicationDisponible solo en formato digital. Un aspecto critico para el exito de un huerto casero es determinar la cantidad de agua que necesita. Con el riego apropiado, usted puede reducir...
- PublicationThere are a multitude of diseases that affect alfalfa worldwide-many of which are capable of causing substantial losses. However, very few of those diseases occur or cause significant loss in...