Search results for: “Plants Trees”

  • Publication
    Timing effective treatment to control sugarcane aphids in sorghum depends on the size of the sugarcane aphid population. The Grain Sorghum Action Threshold charts and photos on this laminated card...
  • Publication
    Esta postal ilustra las precauciones que mujeres embarazadas necesitan tomar para protegerse contra el virus del Zika.
  • Publication
    This brochure outlines precautions women of child-bearing age should take to protect themselves and their unborn babies from the Zika virus. Topics include knowing the risk of contracting the virus,...
  • Publication
    Este folleto explica las precauciones que deben tomar las mujeres en edad fertil para protegerse a si mismas y a sus bebes del virus del Zika. Los temas incluyen los...
  • Publication
    To meet production goals and maintain profits, grain sorghum growers need to adopt an integrated approach to managing insect and mite pests. Integrated pest management (IPM) takes advantage of all...
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    This publication explains exactly what organic production is and how to have a successful operation. Key elements are site selection, crop and variety selection, and market development. There is information...
  • Publication
    This book explains the fundamentals of planning, planting, watering, and dealing with pests in the garden. It lists the varieties of over 30 types of vegetables that grow best in...
  • Publication
    This book outlines the challenges and risks and covers everything one needs to know for managing a successful vineyard including site selection, choosing appropriate rootstock and varieties, horticulture, pruning, canopy...
  • Publication
    Based upon years of experience and the best current research, authors Jim Kamas and Larry Stein provide advice for all aspects of basic peach production including planting, pruning, fertilizing, watering,...
  • Publication
    Use this pocket guide to identify potential biotic and abiotic problems in vineyards. It may help you to both identify the problem and take the necessary action to mitigate economic...