Search results for: “cattle fever tick”
- Publication...prevalent insects affecting beef cattle. This publication details various insecticide-impregnated ear tags that can be used to help decrease the presence and effects of horn flies on cattle. (2 pages)...
- Publication...the physical appearance of feces of grazing cattle is explained. Four photographs provide a quick and easy visual reference for evaluating the diet quality of grazing beef cattle. (2 pages)...
- PublicationBlock supplements offer cattle producers a means of supplementing the diets of their grazing beef cattle. This publication discusses the types of blocks available and recommendations for the use of...
- PublicationProducers can successfully manage many health problems in beef cattle if they detect them and take steps early. This publication explains common problems found in beef cattle, their probable causes,...
- PublicationUsing low-stress methods of handling dairy cattle is efficient in terms of time and labor. This publication explains how cattle's natural instincts affect their responses, and ways handlers can use...
- PublicationSupplemental nutrients for cattle–as concentrated feeds, harvested forages, or a complimentary grazing program–account for a significant portion of annual production costs in a cattle operation. The producer should know how...
- PublicationSelling cattle in advance of delivery requires the seller to estimate the future weight of the cattle. The sale price usually must be adjusted because delivery weights differ from estimated...
- PublicationMore cattle are being marketed on carcass merit. This has prompted greater interest in breeding and feeding cattle that produce desirable carcasses. Improving carcass merit starts with genetic selection, choosing...
- PublicationBody size is an important genetic factor in beef cattle production. Historically, size was first estimated by measurements such as height or length. When scales were developed, weight became more...
- PublicationIn South Texas cow-calf operations, overstocking and variations in rainfall and forage conditions mean: That cattle must be fed supplemental hay or range cubes Increased operating costs Affects on a...