Search results for: “cattle fever tick”

  • Publication
    Livestock Risk Protection policies offer price risk insurance to cattle producers. Hedging with an LRP policy is one way to secure an acceptable price now for a commodity that will...
  • Publication
    Horn flies are the most damaging insect to cattle in Texas. This publication explains biological, cultural, and chemical methods of controlling horn flies. Various insecticides used to suppress horn flies...
  • Publication
    There are five types of pasture forages for beef cattle (warm-season perennials, warm-season annuals, cool-season annuals, cool-season perennials, and legumes.) This publication discusses the five types and proposes a year-round...
  • Publication
    ...Dust emission factors Dust emission characteristics Abatement tactics for controlling dust from cattle feeding operations The target audience is: Educators Extension agents CAFO operators Industry advisory groups Regulators (15 pages)...
  • Publication
    Texas cattle producers have reported an increasing number of cases of bovine anaplasmosis, a disease that causes anemia, abortion, decreased production, and death. This publication explains what causes the disease,...
  • Publication
    A fundamental challenge in commercial beef production is matching genetic capability with climatic, nutritional, management and market conditions. This publication discusses functional levels of types and breeds of cattle to...
  • Publication
    The process of palpating to determine pregnancy in cattle and the equipment used during palpation are described and illustrated in this bulletin. The female reproductive system is discussed, along with...
  • Publication
    Cattle producers can synchronize estrus (heat) to breed fertile females rapidly. The manipulation of the reproductive process reduces the need to detect estrus, creates a more uniform calf crop, and...
  • Publication
    This publication discusses common internal and external parasites in cattle: hairworms, lung worms, liver flukes, coccidia, horn flies, lice and grubs. Preventive and treatment methods are also covered. (4 pages)...
  • Publication
    This publication describes prevention measures, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for the most common reproductive diseases in cattle: brucellosis (Bang's disease); leptospirosis; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and bovine diarrhea (BVD)...