Search results for: “cattle fever tick”
- PublicationVaccines deliver antigens that stimulate the body's production of antibodies in response to disease. Cattle can be vaccinated with noninfectious or infectious vaccines. The types of vaccine products, proper handling...
- PublicationProper diet and pasture management can control brown stomach worms in cattle without the use of deworming drugs. This publication explains how the combination works. (2 Pages)...
- PublicationBiosecurity in the beef cattle industry involves understanding disease transmission, and animal immunity, then establishing a sound program for disease prevention. This publication explains general biosecurity practices. (3 pages)...
- Publication...The first performance records of beef cattle were primarily weights or weight gains measured at weaning or as yearlings. Sound comparisons of individuals were often impossible because of animal and...
- PublicationBeef cattle producers have many options when choosing a breeding system. This publication explains how straight breeding and various types of crossbreeding systems work and the advantages and disadvantages of...
- PublicationNutritional management is complicated by changing forage quality and quantity. This publication discusses forage quality trends in various regions of Texas, tools to analyze the nutritional environment of cattle and...
- ServiceThe Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, TVMDL, has compiled eight syndrome specific diagnostic plans to assist clients in efficient diagnostic testing strategies based on clinical signs or gross necropsy...
- We offer a wide array of information, resources and events related to beef cattle, Texas’ largest agricultural industry. Whether you are looking for an online resource or an in-person expert,...
- PublicationBody size and milking potential are primary genetic traits in beef production. Levels of size and milk influence production functions, such as nutritional requirements, reproduction, and rate and efficiency of...
- PublicationSouth Texas ranching operations may increase their profitability by adopting three management strategies Cow pregnancy testing Breeding soundness testing Shortening calving seasons The study used the Financial and Risk Management...