Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Course the four developmental domains. After completing this training, participants should be able to: Recognize creativity; Explain the importance of incorporating the arts into preschool; Design environments that promote creativity;...
  • Course
    ...two areas. After completing this training, participants should be able to: Identify the benefits of nature for young children’s growth and development; Create learner-centered activities that reflect the natural world;...
  • Publication
    Proteger una piara de cerdos de enfermedades implica comprender como se transmiten las enfermedades y establecer un programa solido de vacunacion y practicas generales de bioseguridad. (3 paginas)...
  • Course
    Course Information This online course shows cotton growers and pesticide applicators the signs of infestation of common insect pests like: thrips, cotton aphids, fleahoppers, lygus bugs, stink bugs, cotton bollworms,...