Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”
- PublicationLas hormigas de fuego pueden ser un problema grave durante y despues de una inundacion. Esta publicacion explica como protegerse cuando debe regresar a estructuras inundadas o lidiar con escombros...
- PublicationChilli thrips ( Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood ) ( Thysanoptera: Thripidae ) are thought to have originated from Southeast Asia, although they are now widely distributed through most of the world-including...
- PublicationFire ants can be a serious problem during and after a flood. This publication explains how to protect yourself when you must return to flooded structures or deal with storm...
- PublicationProteger una piara de cerdos de enfermedades implica comprender como se transmiten las enfermedades y establecer un programa solido de vacunacion y practicas generales de bioseguridad. (3 paginas)...
- ProgramIn the Family and Community Health project area, youth learn about many facets of healthy living, consumer choices, and life skills. With projects involving cooking, consumer decisions, sewing, and personal...
- ProjectTexas continues to have the highest number of horses (approximately 767,100) in the United States according to the American Horse Council’s (AHC) 2017 economic impact study. This coupled with the...
- PublicationLos sintomas de campo del cornezuelo de centeno de sorgo son familiares para cualquier persona involucrada en la produccion de sorgo. Es mas dificil identificar el patogeno fungico en la...
- PublicationFasciation is a rare phenomenon in more than 100 plants, including roses. It does no lasting harm and some plants are highly prized for the unique characteristics fasciation causes. This...