Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”
- PublicationInterest in habitat and population management for wild turkeys has grown in recent times, as landowners, hunters, and wildlife viewers recognize their actions have direct impacts on natural resources and...
- PublicationAn unwelcome mat may be used by homeowners to deter black bears from approaching or entering their homes. This publication will detail how to construct and use the two types...
- PublicationOverseeding warm-season perennial grasses with cool-season legumes offer several benefits. For optimum production, prepare the soil six months before planting, plant the appropriate seed, and manage grazing to use the...
- PublicationThis publication gives Texas rice farmers the latest research-based information about producing rice in Texas. Recommendations are based on research conducted by Texas AgriLife Research and the USDA. (92 pages)...
- PublicationMany water plans have stages and each stage adds more requirements to conserve water. No matter what stage of restriction your city is in, there are numerous things you can...
- PublicationField trials and demonstrations introduce new varieties, methods, or concepts to local farmers. This publication explains how to conduct a vegetable trial, including choosing varieties to evaluate; selecting cooperating farmers;...
- PublicationIf your spring garden was successful, the same location should work well in the fall. When planning a new garden, keep in mind that vegetable crops must have at least...
- PublicationHigh pH in wines is a problem that plagues many winemakers in hot climates. This publication provides methods, products, and resources to mitigate this issue while offering effective alternatives and...
- PublicationThe addition of tannins in winemaking can provide many benefits, such as improving the clarity, taste, and texture of wines. This publication walks through the entire winemaking process, indicating what...
- PublicationBy following a few simple measures, you can help protect yourself and your family from food-borne illness caused by harmful bacteria. (3 pages.)