Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”
- PublicationTawney and Southern Mole Crickets create extensive subsurface tunnels that uproot and desiccate turfgrasses, particularly on sand-based athletic fields and golf courses where it is easy for them to tunnel....
- Publication...pests of pecan is the pecan nut casebearer. This publication describes the casebearer and its seasonal cycle and offers advice on scouting, trapping, insecticide selection, and biological control. (6 Pages)...
- essential that all pest control materials be utilized in strict compliance with labeling directions. This publication covers pest control for rodents, litter & manure beetles, and flies. (3 pages)...
- PublicationBed bugs are a growing problem. To effectively control them, you must carefully select a pest control provider with the needed skills. This publication outlines what to look for in...
- Publication...method for each situation. It includes information on fire ant identification, control products, and several control approaches: the two-step method, long-residual contact insecticide treatment, and individual mound treatment. (4 pages)...
- Publication...a common problem in confined animal facilities. One way to control them biologically is with parasitoid wasps. This publication explains how to use these wasps for fly control. (3 Pages)...
- PublicationThis publication provides a simple, two-step method that is designed to control small mesquite before they mature, thicken and require expensive broadcast chemical or mechanical control methods. (3 pages)...
- Publication...the largest groups of insects. Unlike most other winged insects, which have four wings, flies have only two. This difference distinguishes them from nearly all other insect orders. (7 pages)...
- PublicationFood preparation areas in animal shelters have all the essential elements for pest infestations’ Aifood, water, and harborage. This guide explains how to store food properly and what steps to...
- CourseCourse Information Infection Control in Child Care Settings is a 2-hour course that is part of a series of online training courses designed to help you, as child care providers...