Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”

  • Publication the only turfgrass to suffer severe damage from chinch bugs, they can also feed on centipedegrass, zoysiagrass, bahiagrass, and bermudagrass. However, feeding on these grass species usually occurs only...
  • Publication
    This leaflet describes the five most damaging grasshopper species in Texas and offers suggestions for monitoring and control....
  • Publication urban and suburban areas. Their droppings kill vegetation and damage car finishes. They also carry diseases, parasites, and insects. This publication lists control methods and control restrictions. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Fairy ring disease causes brown or dark green arcs or circles that appear in lawns, golf courses, athletic fields, and other turf areas. This publication explains the causes, prevention, control,...
  • Publication
    Nutsedge and kyllinga are warmseason perennial weeds. They can be difficult to control in lawns because they are perennials that grow from underground rhizomes and/or tubers. This publication explains the...
  • Course
    ...20 hours of in-depth training relating to the 20 hours of 'classroom' training required by the Texas Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Service, or SPCS. This structural pest control...
  • Publication
    ...issues. In addition to mechanical, physical, and chemical control options, biological control is an efficient, relatively inexpensive way to manage some nuisance aquatic vegetation populations. Traditionally, biological control is described...
  • Publication
    ...remains and can spread disease. To control blow flies, it is important to remove dead animals and dispose of them properly, and to use effective insecticides when necessary. (1 page)...
  • Publication
    The pecan weevil is a key pest of pecans in the United States, specifically in Texas. This publication details key facts about the pest as well as methods of controlling...
  • Publication
    Laurel wilt is a fungal disease transmitted by the redbay ambrosia beetle that affects desirable trees in urban and residential areas of Texas. This publication discusses signs, symptoms, and management...