Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”
- PublicationThis publication will help you identify ticks and learn their behaviors and potential dangers. Included are methods for avoiding, controlling, and removing ticks. (1 Page)...
- Publication...restos de animales y pueden propagar enfermedades. Para controlar las moscardas azules, es importante retirar los animales muertos y desecharlos adecuadamente, y usar insecticidas efectivos cuando sea necesario. (1 page)...
- PublicationThis publication summarizes the disease and transmission characteristics of bovine trichomoniasis in bulls and cows. It also outlines measures being implemented in Texas to control the spread of the disease....
- PublicationRootknot disease, caused by nematodes in the Meloidogyne genus, causes symptoms like wilting, stunting, and reduced yield. Tomatoes are one of the crops impacted by this disease. This publication discusses...
- PublicationManaging noxious brush and weed species using herbicides can improve forage availability and enhance ranch profitability by increasing the livestock carrying capacity of native pastures. This publication takes 3 typical...
- PublicationAlgal overgrowth is one of the most common issues plaguing pond owners. This publication explains the types of algae that may reside in the pond, describes several approaches to controlling...
- PublicationSummer drought can make dust control in feed yards more challenging than usual. Supplemental water may not keep pace with daily evaporation. The key to dust control is managing the...
- PublicationThis fact sheet helps agricultural producers understand the basic obligations under the Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Program. (4 pages)...
- PublicationEsta publicacion explica todos los aspectos del control de enfermedades en un huerto domestico. Los temas incluyen: causas, signos y prevencion de enfermedades de las plantas....
- Publication...Prickly pear are extremely tolerant of drought and harsh conditions, so they thrive across Texas, especially in the western half of the state. Controlling prickly pear is not a one-time...