Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”
- PublicationMozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) are native to Africa and have been introduced and used as a biological control for aquatic vegetation management in much of the United States, including Texas....
- PublicationHoney locust is a dense, thorny tree that is native to Texas. This Brush Busters publication offers a three-step method for the control of honey locusts. (2 pages)...
- PublicationYucca, while potentially beneficial to rangelands, can become a problem when uncontrolled. This Brush Busters publication offers two methods for controlling yucca while leaving desirable vegetation undisturbed. (2 pages)...
- PublicationMacartney rose is an invasive species that plague livestock producers from Southeast Texas to the Middle Coastal Prairie. This Brush Busters publication offers a three-step method for the control and...
- PublicationWith the growing economic importance of wildlife, the control of predators that affect wildlife populations has become an important issue. This publication explains predator/prey relationships and describes an integrated pest...
- PublicationMany Texans own small acreages and need to know how to control brush. Mechanical methods include cut-stump and basal treatments. Herbicides also can be used. Application methods for soil-applied and...
- PublicationPhosphorous acid is very useful for preventing and controlling downy mildew of grapes. This fungicide is an effective systemic that can be used alone or in combination with other products....
- PublicationMany kinds of snakes live in Texas, but only a few are poisonous. This leaflet focuses on the control of poisonous snakes by altering their habitats, fencing, trapping, poisoning and...
- Publication...explica los tipos de algas que pueden residir en el estanque, describe varios enfoques para controlar las algas y ofrece metodos para prevenir el crecimiento excesivo de algas. (15 paginas)...
- PublicationProper diet and pasture management can control brown stomach worms in cattle without the use of deworming drugs. This publication explains how the combination works. (2 Pages)...