Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”

  • Publication
    Crapemyrtle bark scale infestations can be identified by the small, white insects present on the twigs and bark of a crapemyrtle, which cause the plant's aesthetic health to suffer. This...
  • Publication
    Armadillos are beneficial because they eat insects and other invertebrates, but they can damage lawns, gardens and structural foundations. They also are believed to transmit leprosy to humans. This leaflet...
  • Program
    ...and conducts applied research on vineyards, insect and disease management, selection of adapted grape varieties, wine processing, and wine quality. Viticulture and Enology Certificate The new Viticulture and Enology Certificate...
    grapes growing on a vine
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...
  • Service
    A Texas Apiary Inspector can inspect bee hives to diagnose diseases and other major issues....
    beekeepers inspecting a hive
  • Lab
    ...water quality testing and fish parasite and disease diagnostics for aquaculture producers and private pond and lake owners. The laboratory’s primary mission is to provide research-based analysis and diagnostics and...
    Hand holding a water plant
  • Publication
    ...uses. This publication covers flax production from seedbed preparation through pest control, harvesting, and marketing. The important flax diseases are described and illustrated and control methods are suggested. (8 pages)...
  • Publication that it cannot survive the stress of transplantation or winter injury. This publication explains the cause and symptoms of rose mosaic virus and how to control it. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...that contributes to tree mortality, compromises the structural integrity of the tree, and makes it a danger to life and property. This publication discusses the symptoms, causes, and control methods...