Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”

  • Publication
    ...sustainable and profitable production. There are two major types of cucurbit virus diseases (based on foliar symptoms): mosaics and yellowing diseases. Cucurbit varieties resistant to yellowing viruses are also currently...
  • Publication
    Botrytis blight creates devastating losses for ornamental plant and vegetable growers. On roses, the disease, also known as gray mold, is caused by the botrytis cinerea fungus. This publication explains...
  • Publication
    ...2 years from the time of infection, so the disease is sometimes unrecognized. This publication explains the symptoms of the disease, how it is transmitted, and how to prevent it....
  • Publication
    Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that affects over 300 species of plants and causes concern and economic loss for farmers and gardeners alike. This publication discusses what causes the...
  • Publication
    Basil downy mildew is a severe disease caused by Peronospora belbahrii that can kill an entire crop. The earliest report of basil downy mildew in Texas was in 2010. This...
  • Publication
    Bacterial fruit blotch is a disease occurring sporadically in almost all areas of Texas where watermelons are grown. This publication discusses symptoms, diagnosis and disease development and management. (2 pages.)
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...
  • District Office
    ...diseases, pest biocontrol, dairy waste biochar, sustainable meat and milk, grassland restoration, peanut breeding and microbiome interaction in agricultural systems. The center also houses the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service...
    tractor plowing a field
  • Publication
    ...fertilizing, watering, thinning, and harvesting. Additional instruction on disease and insect control and advice on the financial aspects of the peach business are included. (172 pp. 106 color photos. Indexed.)...
  • Publication
    Bacterial leaf streak, or black chaff, is a bacterial disease that can affect small grains, limiting production yields. This publication discusses how to identify symptoms of black chaff and control...