Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”
- PublicationAphids are small, soft-bodied insects. Their feeding habits can lead to stunted plant growth, deformed and discolored leaves, and the production of galls on leaves, stems, or roots. Aphids are...
- PublicationThis teacher contains answers to an exercise in the Workbook of Parliamentary Guide for FFA (IMS #8004). Exercises 1-22 (66 pages). 3rd Edition-2016.
- PublicationThis guide helps homeowners who are seeking maintenance services for their onsite wastewater treatment systems (such as septic systems). Included are definitions of common terms used in service contracts, types...
- PublicationThis leader guide is to be used to teach people about the movement of water through the water cycle, the concept of watersheds, effects of land cover and management on...
- PublicationWorking Well Planning Guidebook 2nd Edition. A user-friendly, 136-page manual covering the basics to plan, implement, and evaluate a worksite wellness program. Included in the booklet are helpful resources for...
- PublicationUse this pocket guide to identify potential biotic and abiotic problems in vineyards. It may help you to both identify the problem and take the necessary action to mitigate economic...
- PublicationThis publication is a guide to the Endangered Species Act in terms that are understandable and relevant to the general public. It includes an overview, definitions, legalities, and where landowners...
- PublicationThis guide helps homeowners who are seeking maintenance services for their onsite wastewater treatment systems (such as septic systems). Included are definitions of common terms used in service contracts, types...
- PublicationCrop estimation early in the season allows grape growers to project the yield, ensuring enough labor is secured for harvest and that quality is maintained. This guide discusses various manual...
- Publication...This is a checklist to guide landowners on what information to have available for professionals, such as their County Extension Agent, prior to them visiting the waterbody. This checklist may...