Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”

  • Publication
    Se incluyen secciones sobre seleccion del sitio, preparacion del suelo, variedades, siembra, fertilizacion, riego, cuidado durante la temporada, cosecha, insectos, enfermedades, servicio y almacenamiento....
  • Publication
    ...Esta publicacion explica como papas irlandesas en un huerto casero. Temas incluyen: seleccion del sitio, preparacion de la tierra, variedades, siembra, cuidado durante la temporada, fertilizacion, cosecha, insectos, y enfermedades....
  • Publication
    ...wood that has been submerged in water has likely absorbed a large amount of water. Rebuilding too quickly after a flood can cause continuing problems such as mold growth, insect...
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...
  • Through an expansive network of 250 county offices and more than 900 professional educators, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides practical, accessible solutions to everyday challenges. Connect with an...
  • Course
    Course Information Stink bugs are a nuisance pest for gardens, landscapes, and orchards. In this online course, you will learn how to identify this new invasive stink bug species that...
  • Publication
    The meat industry has been faced with astronomical challenges due to the rampant spread of COVID-19 among meat processing plant workers. This has resulted in closures of meat processing and...
  • Publication
    Drywood termites feed on wood and damage homes and other structures throughout the southern portion of the United States. Evidence of infestation includes swarming termites inside a home and the...