Search results for: “managing opossum damage”

  • We offer a range of information related to managing ponds for recreation and/or food production. Publications and other educational materials cover topics including water testing and creating a sustainable environment...
  • Course
    ...course is perfect for anyone who wants to cook a variety of healthier meals and sides. Who is this for? Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been managing diabetes for...
  • Course
    In this course, horse owners and managers will learn about important topics related to managing broodmares and foals. Content is developed and presented by industry experts. You will learn about...
  • Publication
    During this time of economic crisis, agricultural producers must make sure they are managing strategically, maintaining adequate working capital, managing customer credit, satisfying customer demand, and operating efficiently. (3 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...highest quality feed. This publication offers information on selecting the most suitable variety of bermudagrass; preparing the land; planting seed, sprigs, stolons, or tops; renovating bermudagrass fields; and managing and...
  • Publication
    ...leaves rip away and the mechanical harvester cannot pull the carrots from the soil. This publication discusses the symptoms, cause, and control methods for managing alternaria leaf blight. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Texas landowners are responsible for managing the drinking water from their private wells. This publication explains how to protect your water supply by keeping records on each well, managing potential...
  • Publication This publication provides background information on organic agriculture, a description of the research project, project outcomes, experiences managing the organic system, as well as links to additional resources. (11...
  • Publication
    Publication Information Whether you’re a livestock producer or manage hunting leases – you take pride in your land, your livestock, and the hunting opportunities you provide. However, managing Livestock Guardian...
  • We have a variety of materials and programs related to the design of community and municipal infrastructure for the purpose of helping conserve and protect water resources and avoiding damage...