Search results for: “managing opossum damage”

  • Publication
    ...if it is caused by nutrient deficiency, herbicide injury, freeze damage, moisture stress, disease, and insect issues’ some combination thereof. You can then select an appropriate management strategy. (5 pages)...
  • Publication
    Most electrocution deaths on farms involve moving tall equipment that comes in contact with power lines. Other causes are damaged electrical systems in buildings and misuse of extension cords. This...
  • Publication
    Freeze branding of horses has many advantages. It is safe, economical, simple to do, and relatively painless. It can be done on horses of any age and does not damage...
  • Publication
    This publication explains how to dry and clean papers and books damaged by water. (1 page)...
  • Publication
    If your home has been flooded or damaged by rain, it is important to act quickly to prevent mold. This publication explains how to begin the clean-up process by drying...
  • Publication
    This publication explains how to decontaminate and disinfect a well, test the well water and check for well damage after a flood. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...through FEMA, how to apply for a recovery loan from the Small Business Administration, how to apply for disaster unemployment assistance, and how to apply for farm/agricultural damages. There is...
  • Publication
    Landowners who must decide whether or not to salvage damaged timber and how to go about it will find this publication helpful. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Coastal communities prone to flooding may benefit from the implementation of green infrastructure. Green infrastructure can help mitigate the adverse effects of flood damage and promote water drainage. This publication...
  • Publication to grow pomegranates in Texas; topics include climate, soils, varieties, propagation, site preparation, suitable varieties, planting, irrigation, fertilization, pruning, pest and disease control, sun damage, and harvest. (6 pages)...